
Half a World Away

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It's always nice when other people agree with us. We think that Jailbreak 2004 is a great mod, but we also think that jailbreak, the game itself, is a concept that works well anywhere: two teams, two bases, two jails. Great gameplay comes from a simple idea.

Now jailbreak comes to one of the best shooters of recent years, as a team of two coders has just released Jailbreak for Half-Life 2.

I like this entry in their FAQ: Haven't you just copied Unreal / Quake / Half-Life - Jailbreak? Yes! Basically! We're not taking credit for any new innovations to the concept of Jailbreak, we're simply bringing the classic gaming fun of Jailbreak to Half-Life II.

We appreciate the compliment, guys. But I have one question: will there be headcrabs instead of llamas?

Image - Half a World Away