
Belated mapping news

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Much belated mapping news, I'm sorry to say. The new release has had all of us nice and busy. As excuses go that's the best I can come up with.

First off is Birelli's JB-Cavern. A glitch in the spleen reticulator caused him to release a 1a version. Pick it up here.

Then there's Underscore's first effort. JB-Bell. Another pretty decent effort for a new mapper. It's a castle map for about 10 players. The arena's there, the custom deaths are there. The bots still have some issues though, so I'll consider this one a beta. Here's the link, and here's the forum thread.

Last, but certainly not least, is SpoonDog's new conversion: JB-Epicboy. The original CTF isn't half bad, and suffice it to say the JB is no worse for the effort. Another fine job by Spoonie. Pick it up here.

That's all the news that's fit to print. I'm back off to my code. Expect another progress report soon, and if you signed up for beta testing, keep an eye on your mailbox.
