Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Beta 2
posted May 7, 2004 by tarquin
Sorry for the lack of news updates. I've been working flat out on finishing my map. The team is now working on Jailbreak 200x beta 2. Our "To Do" list keeps zipping up and down like a rollerblind, as our coders fix bugs and then our beta testers find new ones. Meanwhile, we're rounding up our mappers and locking them up in an underground bunker with the moose and getting them to finish off their maps, down to the final tweak (hence the lack of news posts from me). I'll try to post some screenshots of these over the next couple of weeks to show you the variety of playing environments we have lined up for you. So today, here's a shot from JB-NoSenseOfReality, by veteran Jailbreak mapper RevBillyG.