
The fiddly stuff

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  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options(&$options) should be compatible with views_object::options() in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/views/plugins/ on line 17.

I think it's safe to say that many parts of Jailbreak 2003 are up to the stage of small tweaks and fiddly bits. I'm currently looking at the settings panels for Jailbreak Add-Ons and making sure they're all laid out in a consistently pretty manner. The screenshot here is for the Beserker Add-On, which gives the winner of an Arena battle a bit of an extra boost to wreak terrible vengeance on his enemies.

You could stop by our forums to let us know your thoughts on a burning question: do you prefer slider widgets, like in the screenshot, or the number boxes with the + and - buttons? I know, it's a toughie.

Image - The fiddly stuff