
Let the games begin!

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Get your cheerleading skirts out and dust down your pompoms. The Jailbreak III Tournament is about to begin! Our friend Sexmachine has been busy organising a competition between teams of Jailbreak III players. It's just for fun, but me and the moose both know that there's going to be some tough fighting on the Mothership, starting tomorrow, Monday Jan. 12th 2004 at 19.00 CET.

Because the matches will be played with voice communications, we unfortunately can't allow spectactors: they can talk to both teams and could give away information. However, Wormbo is looking into setting up an IRC Reporter Bot that will feed a live broadcast to our #utjb channel. Breaking news: due to source code problems, it looks like this might not be happening. Sorry, folks.

You'll find the full schedule of matches on our Tournament page, and the list of teams in this forum thread.