
Nearly release...

  • warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_content::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/ on line 62.
  • warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_counts::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/ on line 118.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options(&$options) should be compatible with views_object::options() in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/views/plugins/ on line 17.

I have just spoken to Mychaeel and he says we are still on course for release tomorrow. (But it's probably not a good idea to post threads titled "when when when" in our forums... we still have a lot to do and we're all feeling the pressure.)

Here's a better shot of what the observant among you saw yesterday: the all-new release switch. You may remember a different design in a much earlier news post. We liked it, but we had a number of problems with transparency. So we went back to the drawing board, and the result, I think, is fantastic.

I'm cheating a bit today: the featured map is JB-Poseidon, which you've already seen once. But there have to be some perks to doing PR... ;) You'll find a full-size pic in the features gallery.

Image - Nearly release...