Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Some bugs to swat
posted May 27, 2004 by tarquin
We've had a fabulous release. Our IRC channel #utjb was packed with people, and we slowed Beyond Unreal down with mirroring our files to the point that I wondered if I'd be able to access it to post yesterday's release announcement!
Now the not-so-good news: several bugs have been brought to our attention by players. One of the worst is not even the fault of Jailbreak, it's a known UT2004 bug: problems connecting to standard gametype servers. You can find a list of currently-known bugs on the JDN, along with any workarounds we know of. You can report new bugs to the team at our Support Forum or email bugs@planetjailbreak.com.
We are working on fixing known bugs, and we hope to release a Service Pack in the next ten days (as we'd like to make the MSU Phase 3 deadline!)