
Tarquin releases JB-Pressurized

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Tarquin, veteran mapper, but perhaps best known for his Brush builders has, apparently at the request of the esteemed QAPete, turned his hand to UTJB mapping for the first time. JB-Pressurized is the result. I suppose I don't have to tell you about the custom death method, huh?

What I can tell you is that the map is slick, smooth, and . . .umm. . .something else thet begins with an 's'. Screens! It has screeens. That begins with an 's', right? Let's just say it's a good map. It's also still a beta due to some pathnoding problems. That means that, if you want your feedback to be heard, it is welcome in the forum.


Image - Tarquin releases JB-Pressurized