Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Image - In the Nyx of time
- warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_content::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/flag_handler_relationships.inc on line 62.
- warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_counts::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/flag_handler_relationships.inc on line 118.
- warning: Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options(&$options) should be compatible with views_object::options() in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/views/plugins/views_plugin_style_default.inc on line 17.
posted October 19, 2005 by tarquin

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