
21 maps for the 21st Century!

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Even though Jailbreak 2004 has been released two months ago, Jailbreak III for UnrealTournament is still popular. And even though we have made you believe that the Team K9 PowerPack might have been the final map pack for Jailbreak III we now have to admit that we've fooled you somehow.

Just in time for the Jailbreak Euro Lan Party 2004 we are pleased to release the fourth and fifth Custom Map Pack for Jailbreak III today. These packs include 21 maps of all kind, some brand-new and unique, others 'old' but enhanced and some conversions. Prepare to see the Narayan Moons collide, escape the tomb of Pharao Phimosis IV, destroy the objectives in an Urban Operation or survive the powers of the northern goddess in Ragnar.

Download the Custom Map Pack #4 and the Custom Map Pack #5 and meet the makers over at our Jailbreak Server as these maps are in 'heavy rotation' at the moment.