Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Double Domination
posted September 28, 2002 by Sexmachine
In March 2002 ElBundee came up with the idea to create a mappack for Jailbreak III and because of this, we are able to release not one but two Custom Map Packs to the public today. Each map pack contains 9 Jailbreak mapssome brand-new, some almost new and others 'old' but enhanced. So while you are waiting for UT2003 to hit the shelves, make sure to grab those packs and keep on fraggin'.
Custom Map Pack #1 (15 MB) UMod Version and Zip Version (Epic Bonus Pack 4 required)
Custom Map Pack #2 (18 MB) UMod Version and Zip Version (Epic Bonus Packs 1 and 4 required)Check out this thread, if you like to know the names of the included maps or if you are looking for a server to play them online.