Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Enter the Llama
posted May 19, 2004 by tarquin
The release date for Jailbreak 200x has been set: it's Wednesday 26 May. That is in less than a week. Just in case you want help in counting down the days, we've made a banner that tells you how many days until Jailbreak fragging can begin: you'll find it in our forums.
And to help you pass the time waiting for Jailbreak, RevBillyG has made you a little treat: it's a replacement intro map that shows off the new version of the Jailbreak llama. This comes in two flavours: UT2003 and UT2004, just like Jailbreak itself will, and you can have the UMOD installer or the plain zipfile:
- Jailbreak Llama Intro for UT2003: UT2Mod installer -- plain zip
- Jailbreak Llama Intro for UT2004: UT4Mod installer -- plain zip
The UMOD version will install as the game's intro map. To revert to the default, simply uninstall the UMOD. For the zip version, you'll need to edit your ut2003.ini or ut2004.ini file with a text editor. Find the line LocalMap=NvidiaLogo.ut2, comment it out with a semicolon and add a new line for the llama map, like this: ;LocalMap=NvidiaLogo.ut2
LocalMap=jbintro2003.ut2Enjoy! Only 6 more days till Jailbreak busts out!