
Jailbreak III Gold is coming!

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Five months after the release of Jailbreak III, we're about to release Jailbreak III Gold, featuring a shining new set of nine maps created by high-profile community mappers like DavidM, Hourences, Hyperion, Lehmi, MClane, SnowDog and SpoonDog (have a look at the screenshots!). Also included is a new interactive Jailbreak tutorial to introduce new players to Jailbreak's features and gameplay.

The release is due on September 1st, 2002, at 5 PM UTC (that is, not surprisingly, 0:00:00 on our release counter above). Download locations for Jailbreak III Gold will be available at that time on our download page.

Everybody is invited to join the Jailbreak team and other Jailbreak addicts in celebrating the release: Log on in #utjb on around that time and take part in the Jailbreak community's Sunday Lockdown starting at 7 PM UTC (that's 0:02:00 on our release counter after the release) on the public servers that are around.

Jailbreak III Gold includes Service Pack 2 (SP2) which will be also available as a separate download. SP2 provides players and server admins with the latest in compatibility, new features and bug fixes, including client-side performance optimizations, better protection for released players, a set of additional interface skins and a mutator that awards imprisoned players weapons as prizes for fighting (and surviving) in jail.

SP2 is a network-compatible accumulative update for Jailbreak III; players having Jailbreak III Gold or SP2 installed will be able to play on servers running any previous revision of Jailbreak III and vice-versa.

Image - Jailbreak III Gold is coming!