Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Jailbreak III Gold is out!
posted September 1, 2002 by Mychaeel
Arriving precisely on schedule, Jailbreak III Gold is available for download. Head over to our download page and get it now! The full package comes at 40.1 MB.
- After you have installed Jailbreak, do set your Jailbreak Stats password in the Jailbreak preferences dialog. With that, you'll be listed in the official Jailbreak World Stats ranking.
- Use the Jailbreak tab in Unreal Tournament's built-in server browser to find public servers running Jailbreak. Before you join a game though, it's a great idea to play the interactive Jailbreak tutorial to get acquainted to Jailbreak's features and gameplay.
- Don't forget to log on to #utjb on irc.enterthegame.com, and join us in playing our weekly Sunday Lockdown at 7 PM UTC! (That's 0:02:00 on the release counter above.)
While you're downloading, have a look at our Press Center and the Gold screenshots there.