Titan JB Night. Every Friday, 20.00 (BST) / 21.00 (CET)
Jailbreak III release dates
posted March 17, 2002 by ElBundee
The time of waiting is over now! Jailbreak III will be released on March 23rd 2002. To get an impression of what awaits you in less then a week we've compiled a little wallpaper featuring many of the new maps which will come with Jailbreak III and more.Downloads will be available on Saturday, 3-23-2002 starting at Midnight GMT, followed by a release party where you'll have the opportunity to chat with the developers and other Jailbreak fans and, last but not least, to play some great games of Jailbreak on servers which will be ready for rumble at this time.
The release party will begin on Saturday, 3-23-2002 at 8 PM GMT. Join us in
Channel: #utjb
Server: irc.enterthegame.com
For those of you who aren't familiar with Jailbreak yet, we've put together a press center which is accessible from the main page. You can also follow this link to the Jailbreak III Press Center to learn what Jailbreak is about. We'll post more details about what's new in Jailbreak III and special features which we are sure you all will enjoy soon—so stay tuned!