
The Tallest Ladder Contest

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Jailbreak III offers a lot of additional features to the standard Unreal Tournament gameplay. One of the most amazing enhancements is the possibility to form human ladders. This is a feature you'll possibly know from Counterstrike or other online games but it's completely new to Unreal Tournament. Our beta testers already had a lot of fun forming human ladders in the internal beta test and it is time to find out what is possible—so Mychaeel started our own Tallest Ladder Contest in this thread in the forums. Let's see if we can top this on todays final beta test.

Of course this is not only a funny little feature for online games but forming human ladders can win games of Jailbreak! Todays second screenshot shows Rumiko escaping from jail in Tarquins JB-Pressurized-III. If you like to learn more about what's new in Jailbreak III have a look at our online manual which now can be reached from the menus.

Don't forget the pending release of Jailbreak III and the release party on March 23rd, 2002! (See the news post below for details.)