
The return of the Jailbreak MotherShip

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Some of the older players amongst us may remember a place where historical battles happened, a place where the good and the evil met, a place where only the strongest survived – that mystical place once was called The Jailbreak MotherShip.

I have met QAPete in our IRC channel yesterday and made him change the server link on the BeyondUnreal mainpage, now pointing towards our server. Thus I took the opportunity to rename that server from "Sexmachine's Jailbreak Server" into "Jailbreak MotherShip Server". Everything else stayed the same, it's just the name (a reminiscence to LarryStorch and of course QAPete) that has changed. So prepare to visit these holy grounds and bring the myth back to life.

See you at today's Sunday Lockdown and don't forget about our GameVoiceServer.