
Tournament rules update

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We're now eight matches into the tournament, TEZC having postponed Friday's match till June 21. CTM made a great comeback yesterday, with a flawless victory against Team Unreal Stargate (USG). Here's a shot from one of that match's final scoreboards showing a triumphant Spudsy... but you might notice that Spudsy isn't a member of the CTM team.

In fact, in CTM's second match yesterday, Spudsy was playing against them, as a member of Team Tarts. This ironic twist hasn't gone down well with everyone, so much so that the rules have been changed: from now on, freelancing players (who can be brought in to fill for absentees) must not belong to other teams.

Today's two matches have just been played, and CoolDude has posted a ranking of the teams so far.

Image - Tournament rules update