
50 ways to kill your LaMer!

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It's an average day in your average life and just like on any other average day in your average life you choose to play a couple of matches on our Jailbreak Server to bring this average day to an end.

Unfortunately there is this average guy, already playing some average games and after a few minutes he decides to do something very unexpected, something he thinks is funny and hasn't been done before, something that'll make everybody laugh because it's so unique and cool. That average guy starts camping in the enemy jail! And you have to agree, this is funny! Isn't it?

Well it is, since the brilliant and sometimes bored Wormbo came up with a brand new mutator called WrongJail. This mutator makes sure players don't camp inside the enemy jail as it sends a message to all players and either teleports that player into his own jail, kills him in one of several ways or helps the jailed players to kill that player by removing ammo or armor and health. You can grab this "way above average" mutator at our Additional Mutators page and figure out how it works at todays Sunday Lockdown.

And if that's not enough, you can connect to our GameVoiceServer and laugh along with some of the regular players, turning your average day into a day to remember. See you there and kudos to Wormbo for doing it once again!

Image - 50 ways to kill your LaMer!