
Merry Christmas!

  • warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_content::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/ on line 62.
  • warning: Declaration of flag_handler_relationship_counts::ui_name() should be compatible with views_handler::ui_name($short = false) in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag/includes/ on line 118.
  • warning: Declaration of views_plugin_style_default::options(&$options) should be compatible with views_object::options() in /var/www/jailbreak/sites/all/modules/contrib/views/plugins/ on line 17.

We have now added these three Jailbreak III mutators to our file database:

Mychaeel's JailPeace - UMod Version and Zip Version
Wormbo's NoJailKill - UMod Version and Zip Version
TheCatcher's RSIndicator - UMod Version and Zip Version

JailPeace disables jail fights, so players in jail cannot hurt each other anymore - regardless of their selected weapon. NoJailKill prevents jailed players from damaging (and therefore killing) free players. RSIndicator will hilight the jail release switches with either a glow, an icon or both.

Kudos to the makers. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our visitors, guests and friends!

Image - Merry Christmas!