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Contact emails

The contact emails for Jailbreak are back up and running.

For Jailbreak-related news please send an email to
If you wish to have your screenshot as the Pic of the week, send your shot to and we'll make sure the JB Moose gets to work!

Alpha 6 and a small preview

Alpha 6 has been released internally and we are all doing our best to break it without much success. Here's the update list:

Main changes since alpha 5:
* There is a new Teleporter Release add-on. It teleports you back to the base after reaching the release switch, like in Greed. This is really handy so bots don't just stand on the switch.
* A Get Prisoners kismet action is now available that returns all prisoners, optionally from a specific jail and/or team. Used in conjunction with the new Pick One kismet action, you could pick a random player from a certain jail and/or team. Pick One will work with any list of objects, not just players.
* Values for rotation rate, firing rate, projectile class, and whether to reset rotation on disable are now mapper configurable for JBTurret's.
* Turrets can be disabled using the Toggle kismet action. Set Defending Team action has been renamed Set Owning Team and works for turrets. Because this uses a new class name, if you are currently using this in a map you will have to re-add the kismet action.
* Improvements in handling titan transformations. Added bAllowTransformation to transport restriction volumes to restrict titan transformations. By default, jail volumes will not allow transformations.
* Titans can stand on titans and behemoths on behemoths for human ladders.
* An initial pass on transport restriction icons has been done. Wormbo will be working another solution for indication transport restrictions.
* The radar has been removed from arenas.
* You can now make a human-only arena with the "Supports Bots" arena event flag.
* Various HUD tweaks and additions including radar icons for llamas, titans, and behemoths.

Also, h34dcr4sh has uploaded the execution from his map JB-Pagoda. Enjoy :)

Welcome to the new-look PlanetJailbreak!

If you're a regular visitor to the site, you may have been despairing in recent months that there doesn't seem to be very much happening. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Jailbreak team is hard at work on Jailbreak for UT3, and meanwhile I've been busy getting everything ready for our move to a spiffier site.

We're now running the site on Drupal, which is going to make keeping things up to date a lot easier. For now, only the news pages have been converted, and if you notice a lack of images that's because they're going to take just a little while longer. More parts of the site will follow soon.

Back when I suggested we move to a CMS, SirTahngarth said, 'You mean like one of those generic customizable web portal systems that looks the same on every site that uses it?'

Of course not! So what do you think of the new look?

PS. April fool! The site design is back to the classic look. But it's still on Drupal!

JELP this weekend!

This is a bit last-minute, for which your friendly news poster apologizes, but there is news of this year's JELP: the Jailbreak European LAN Party.

It's all happening this weekend at Het Uilenest in Geldrop, Netherlands, on 27-28 February and 1 March 2009. Boost writes: Friday night I will make some spaggetti bolognaise and saturday I am getting us pizzas.

All that plus some good fragging fun: sounds good? There is still time to sign up. All the details are in the forum thread.

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