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The Name Dilemma Resolved!

Remember Jailbreak III, the version of Jailbreak we released for the original Unreal Tournament? And I guess you've heard about Unreal Tournament 3, the much-anticipated forthcoming game from Epic.

We plan on developing Jailbreak for this new game, but we have a problem: what do we call it so it doesn't get confused with Jailbreak III?

Well, after poring over suggestions from all parts of the community, we have found our new name....

We present to you:


PS. April Fool!

Image - The Name Dilemma Resolved!

Jailbreak Pickup

Say... what's a nice little Jailbreak like you doing here?

The Jailbreak pickup channel has been revived. So if you want to play a match, head there and find other jailbreakers: #jb.pickup on quakenet. Find out more about how it works in this thread.

Half a World Away

It's always nice when other people agree with us. We think that Jailbreak 2004 is a great mod, but we also think that jailbreak, the game itself, is a concept that works well anywhere: two teams, two bases, two jails. Great gameplay comes from a simple idea.

Now jailbreak comes to one of the best shooters of recent years, as a team of two coders has just released Jailbreak for Half-Life 2.

I like this entry in their FAQ: Haven't you just copied Unreal / Quake / Half-Life - Jailbreak? Yes! Basically! We're not taking credit for any new innovations to the concept of Jailbreak, we're simply bringing the classic gaming fun of Jailbreak to Half-Life II.

We appreciate the compliment, guys. But I have one question: will there be headcrabs instead of llamas?

Image - Half a World Away

Arena beacons

Wormbo sends word that he's implemented a feature that was requested on our development forum, by none other than Spoondog. Quite simply, the suggestion was to have some sort of visual effect on arena combattants.

An arena match can actually take place anywhere in the map, even within the main game area. It's just Jailbreak tradition and habit to have the arena as a separate area. Naturally, arena players can't harm regular players and vice versa, but just so you save your ammo, the suggestion was to mark them in some way. After considering funky transparency effects (that would fry your graphics card and be a bit glitchy) we settled on the nice and simple but effective solution of using custom beacons, as you can see in the screenshot.

Naturally, this will be in the next release of Jailbreak 2004... which is coming.

Image - Arena beacons
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