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JB-Antipody released.

The SpoonDog informs us in a not very confidential message that his new JB map, Antipody, has been released in a more or less final version. We've been through this before (do I have to repeat everything?), but for those of you who missed it, Antipody is a more or less gothic looking space station with some rather novel sniper posts and great looking texturing. I have handpicked this map especially for you, the reader as the best JB map to have been released all summer. So far ;)
Pick up JB-Antipody here. Oh, and there are some sweet screenshots as well.


Sunday Lockdown

Once more, the UTJB gang will gather at PlanetUnreal's JailBreak MotherShip to put each other in prison. As always, we'll meet on Sunday at @875 (see news post below) on the MotherShip or shortly before in channel #utjb on

Rest assured that we'll do everything in our power to ensure that Daikiki will be there too <weighs large brick in hand> ;-)


Umm. . .No it isn't.

Caution just dropped me a line to inform me that Jail Crew isn't, in fact, officially launched yet. He's still working on many of the site's aspects. So for now, a bit of patience please on his behalf. And stop mailing him about the broken links :P


Sunday Lockdown

For those who didn't read it yet in the forum or over at PlanetUnreal, tonight's again our weekly Sunday Lockdown on PlanetUnreal's JailBreak MotherShip.

Meet us there @875 (aka 20 UTC/GMT aka 21 CEST aka 3 EST aka 12 PST) for some freakin' fragging fun.


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