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The Tallest Ladder Contest

Jailbreak III offers a lot of additional features to the standard Unreal Tournament gameplay. One of the most amazing enhancements is the possibility to form human ladders. This is a feature you'll possibly know from Counterstrike or other online games but it's completely new to Unreal Tournament. Our beta testers already had a lot of fun forming human ladders in the internal beta test and it is time to find out what is possible—so Mychaeel started our own Tallest Ladder Contest in this thread in the forums. Let's see if we can top this on todays final beta test.

Of course this is not only a funny little feature for online games but forming human ladders can win games of Jailbreak! Todays second screenshot shows Rumiko escaping from jail in Tarquins JB-Pressurized-III. If you like to learn more about what's new in Jailbreak III have a look at our online manual which now can be reached from the menus.

Don't forget the pending release of Jailbreak III and the release party on March 23rd, 2002! (See the news post below for details.)

Jailbreak III release dates

The time of waiting is over now! Jailbreak III will be released on March 23rd 2002. To get an impression of what awaits you in less then a week we've compiled a little wallpaper featuring many of the new maps which will come with Jailbreak III and more.Downloads will be available on Saturday, 3-23-2002 starting at Midnight GMT, followed by a release party where you'll have the opportunity to chat with the developers and other Jailbreak fans and, last but not least, to play some great games of Jailbreak on servers which will be ready for rumble at this time.

The release party will begin on Saturday, 3-23-2002 at 8 PM GMT. Join us in

Channel: #utjb

For those of you who aren't familiar with Jailbreak yet, we've put together a press center which is accessible from the main page. You can also follow this link to the Jailbreak III Press Center to learn what Jailbreak is about. We'll post more details about what's new in Jailbreak III and special features which we are sure you all will enjoy soon—so stay tuned!

Jailbreak III is close!

Happy news for all that have been patiently waiting for the next generation of Jailbreak to go gold: The time is close! Jailbreak III is currently in the final stages of internal testing. No official release date yet, I'm afraid, but "When it's done" can't take much longer than one or two weeks now. Be anxious. Be curious. And until then, feel free to hijack one of these banners (courtesy of Sexmachine) for use in your forum signatures:

Grab me!

No, grab me!

For convenient copying-and-pasting: Some more animated banners can be found in this forum thread, and have a look in our Press Center for more details on Jailbreak III.


They're like pants, only shorter.

First off, SadButTrue tells us that he's set up a Jailbreak server in l'Allemagne. That would be Germany for you non-French speakers out there. The address is unreal:// Drop by, why doncha. New servers are always welcome.

Then there's this. The first half of a summary of my visit to Westwood studios to attend C&C Renegade mod college. I'll try to stay off the blog after this. Promise.

Oh, and the JB3 thing. RSN. Honestly to goodnessly. Cross my heart and hope to... umm... eat ice cream until my teeth hurt.

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